Empowering Future Researchers: Unveiling a Joint PhD Position in Tobacco Control

In a significant development within the collaborative framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE) project EUREST-RISE, the University of West Attica and Iuliu Hatieganu University proudly announce the establishment of a new joint PhD candidate position.


This PhD candidate, Mrs. Angeliki Bakou, is a MSCA secondee who is currently seconded from UNIWA to ENSP and will focus her PhD on secondary dataset analyses of Tobacco Eurobarometer data among women of reproductive age – a PhD which aligns seamlessly with the overarching objectives of EUREST-RISE. This innovative research endeavor is poised to contribute valuable insights into the complexities surrounding women's health, fostering a deeper understanding of factors influencing tobacco use among women of reproductive age in Europe.


Within the broader context of the MSCA actions in the European Union, the creation of this new PhD position exemplifies the commitment to nurturing the next generation of researchers. PhD studies play a pivotal role in the MSCA ecosystem, providing a platform for young scholars to engage in cutting-edge research, benefit from international collaborations, and contribute meaningfully to the scientific community. The EUREST-RISE MSCA-RISE project not only advances knowledge in tobacco control but also serves as a catalyst for the professional development of early career researchers, strengthening the scientific capacity of the EU.


The EUREST-RISE team warmly welcomes Mrs. Bakou in her new capacity and is looking forward to supporting her research endeavors.


EUREST RISE WP3 internal planning meeting


University of West Attica and Iuliu Hatieganu University Join Forces in EUREST-RISE MSCA Project