Mrs Bakou participates in  the final workshop of the ‘Study on mapping and evaluating the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’ (EBCP), Belgium

Brussels, Thursday 18th April, 2024 – Angeliki Bakou, a PhD candidate in the Horizon 2020 MSCA-funded Eurest-Rise project, participated in the final workshop of the ‘Study on mapping and evaluating the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’ (EBCP), conducted by Open Evidence and PricewaterhouseCoopers EU Services EESV for HaDEA and DG SANTE

Mrs Bakou’s work, currently seconded from UNIWA by ENSP, is focused on the use of secondary data for policy purposes. Within the workshop meeting, the importance of the use of secondary data for policy evaluation purposes was noted by DG SANTE, with the Special Eurobarometer on Tobacco highlighted as a key source of information.

Mrs Bakou's participation in this high-level meeting aligns with Eurest-Rise's commitment to supporting the career development of ESR, providing them with the ability to see - in person - how secondary data are actually used by policymakers when formulating EU policies.

 Photos from her participation in the workshop is provided below.


Secondment IL — HTS


Secondment HTS—IC